Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The truth about the NATS policies and rationing toilet paper...

The truth about National's policies is unwinding. Privatise Defence Department properties. Sell off what the Army doesn't use much - artillery, machine guns and missiles. Perhaps machinery and vehicles do need looking at; but remember Labour updated Vietnam war period equipment in recent years. Park your tanks down in the farmers back paddock until they are needed. Ring Pizzahut for deliveries of pizzas to Burnham Camp when the SAS is training!

The IRD has to itemise the number of toilet rolls and cakes of soap they use, along with fax paper. Which is cheaper, I wonder? When will staff have to bring their own, like some patients in smaller public hospitals have to? Rationing is on!

This is all leading up to an eight day fortnight in National's Grand Plan to create a Jim Bolger's "Decent Society".

Have you ever seen a better example of "a one term government" than this National government?

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