Monday, May 12, 2008

Do you believe John Key's policy on P( methamphetamine) and organised crime...

Do you believe John Key's policy on P( methamphetamine)and organised crime? I have read it before. The late and legendary Labour PM, Norm Kirk, was going to take the bikes off the bikies back in the 70's. Was he successful? Of course he wasn't!

Policies on drug manufacture and distribution have been piecemeal and uncoordinated. There needs to be a comprehensive policy on organised crime and drugs manufacture and distribution.

How do you stop gangs from being successful? Stop their means of funding and recruitment.

A coordinated and comprehensive policy on organised crime needs to be implemented, and an election campaign is not the best time to see this become a reality. Only a newly elected government would have the credibility to be successful in this area.

John Key is just politicking without any real ideas on how this could be achieved. The Government has some emerging policies which should be considered first.

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